
Showing posts from March, 2008

Spring Time

I have been seeing all of you bloggy friends posting your pictures of Spring, so I thought I would put a video together of the spring that we are enjoying! Please click here to see it!

Easter Sunday

It was a Great day, We took it off so that we could be with Grandma and Grandpa on This special day that we celebrate, The Wonderful Risen Lord and Saviour that We serve. Can I just say, That God Is So Good! Hope you enjoy some pics of all of us! Love Ya, Pam

My Surprise!

My Birthday Surprise My husband and children and Mother all pulled together to plan a wonderful surprise for me in honor of my 40th, yes I said 40th , I know I don’t look a year past 29 but it is true, I must admit, I am 40 yrs old now. Do I feel 40? Well that depends on what day you ask me, but for the most part I am still in shock that I am thru my 30’s and how fast it went by! Back to the Party, It was a great one, I had a blast and I was spoiled and so touched by the Love that everyone showed by coming out to honor ME! ~big Smile~ I received so many wonderful gifts some of which I am glad to say that I do not need as you can see from the Picture below, thanks to my beloved brother, but he was kind enough to put the receipt with it so that I could take it back and get the money, the only thing he didn’t realize is that they don’t like to take back hemorrhoid medication and laxatives back but since I explained that it was a gag gift they went ahead and took it. Whoo hoo! Any way the ...

Just for Ciarra

This is for you Ciarra! I Love You! Love, Aunt Pam

29 sermons

This is going to be a quick note to let you know why I haven't had time to Post. We just finished a Missions Conference a Revival Meeting and a Ladies Spectacular and I am Exhausted! I have to tell you though that each meeting was wonderful and God really spoke to my heart in each one! We are so blessed to get to be a part of so many wonderful meetings. So in the Past 11 days we have heard 29 sermons and on the one day off that we had, guess what we did? Can't guess, well then I will tell you. We had a birthday Party for Logan and Levi, Yes Levi is 5 yrs old and Logan is 3 yrs old. They were blessed to have some one allow us to use their jumper and the church let us use their gym and popcorn maker so they had a regular carnival for their birthday and boy did they have fun! Then to top off the night their cousins came over, Shelby, James, Cameron and Cheyenne! Wow, what a day! I will have to post some pics when I get the time, but right now my wonderful husband is taking me o...