Lately Logan has been coming up with some funny things and I thought I would share them with you. Recently He wanted to go with me to the Doctor and so we were sitting in the waiting room and He saw a Magazine with a women in a bikini and he said to me "Mom, close your eyes" He came in from outside and told his Grandpa, "Grandpa, I just broke a bee and I sawed his heart" The kids were going to sing at church and so I was explaining to them that there would not be enough Mic's for everyone to have their own so I didn't want anyone getting upset if they didn't get to hold a mic so Logan says "OK Mom" Then he says to his brothers and Sisters "Nobody take MY mic" LOL It is fun being a mom, I wouldn't trade my job for any job in the world! It is nice to have a break every now and then. My wonderful Mother so graciously volunteered to take ALL the kids Monday night and Tuesday night while Jon was off work so we spent two days at home wi...