
Showing posts from December, 2009

Christmas Letter 2009

To All of You! Knouf News 2009 If I had to describe this year in a nutshell it would be “emotional Rollercoaster”!!! We moved twice, we went from being “in the ministry” to being “out of the ministry” We had a Baby, and our oldest child entered into her Senior Year of High School!! And now after much prayer we are looking to start a church in Indio, CA. the Fall of 2010, as soon as The Lord opens the doors for it to happen. Now do you have some understanding of why I say “Emotional Rollercoaster”? Speaking of having a Baby, Haden Luke Knouf was born September 22, he weighed 11#’s 12oz.!!!!! He is a wonderful addition to our ever growing family!! The adjustment to nine children has been the hardest on the 2yr old, Mia. She was not quite ready to give up her “baby” status. She is finally giving into it, since she sees that we plan on keeping him. :0) Mackenzie is in her Senior year and her Mom and Dad can’t seem to figure out how the time went by so fast! She is looking at going to Heart...