Knouf News

Time just seems to go by so fast that this blog has taken a back burner to my life and though I'm not sure any one even checks it any more, I thought I would give an update anyway. The top of my list right now is the health of our youngest son, Haden Luke, he is 7 mos. old and is such a joy to our family. Last week he was diagnosed with Epilepsy, at this time we are not sure what is causing it so they are doing a routine MRI to try to find out the cause. Please pray that it, is not a tumor causing this. He has had 2 seizures that we know of and we are praying that he has no more. We covet your prayers! On a happier note: Justina turned Sweet 16 and was spoiled to the hilt!!! She got to go to a concert and out to dinner with her Aunt Sileena and Uncle Matt and then she had a huge "Masquerade Party" and was showered with lots and lots of gifts!!! Jon finished his B.A. and graduated last month from Salt Lake City Baptist Bible College. We are praying that God will allow us t...