Update on Haden First of all I want to thank those who have been faithfully praying for our Son Haden. This is an update on what is going on with him. Many of you know that he has Epilepsy and Autism and has been hospitalized for a kind of seizure activity that can at times not be controlled by medication, they call this Status Epilepticus. They also know that there is a lesion on his brain that is rather deep in the left side which in January of this year they noticed on the MRI, there could be a possible nodule/tumor in the lesion. Through the test that he has had over the past months it has been determined that whatever may or may not be growing in that area is slow growing and not fast growing. He is receiving care from CHOC (Children’s Hospital of Orange County) which happens to be a level 4 comprehensive care unit for pediatric epilepsy. Bottom line, it is supposed to be one of the best in the country. After the team of doctors reviewed all his records and test, they ...