
Showing posts from 2009

Christmas Letter 2009

To All of You! Knouf News 2009 If I had to describe this year in a nutshell it would be “emotional Rollercoaster”!!! We moved twice, we went from being “in the ministry” to being “out of the ministry” We had a Baby, and our oldest child entered into her Senior Year of High School!! And now after much prayer we are looking to start a church in Indio, CA. the Fall of 2010, as soon as The Lord opens the doors for it to happen. Now do you have some understanding of why I say “Emotional Rollercoaster”? Speaking of having a Baby, Haden Luke Knouf was born September 22, he weighed 11#’s 12oz.!!!!! He is a wonderful addition to our ever growing family!! The adjustment to nine children has been the hardest on the 2yr old, Mia. She was not quite ready to give up her “baby” status. She is finally giving into it, since she sees that we plan on keeping him. :0) Mackenzie is in her Senior year and her Mom and Dad can’t seem to figure out how the time went by so fast! She is looking at going to Heart...

Haden Luke Knouf

We were blessed with a sweet little baby boy, born on 9-22-09 at 6:59pm He weighed in at 11# 12oz and 21 1/2 in. long! We are so happy to have him home with us, what a joy it is to be blessed with 9 beautiful healthy children! We Praise The Lord!!!!!!

It's a....................

BOY!!!!!!!! :0)

Logan's Funny Quotes

Lately Logan has been coming up with some funny things and I thought I would share them with you. Recently He wanted to go with me to the Doctor and so we were sitting in the waiting room and He saw a Magazine with a women in a bikini and he said to me "Mom, close your eyes" He came in from outside and told his Grandpa, "Grandpa, I just broke a bee and I sawed his heart" The kids were going to sing at church and so I was explaining to them that there would not be enough Mic's for everyone to have their own so I didn't want anyone getting upset if they didn't get to hold a mic so Logan says "OK Mom" Then he says to his brothers and Sisters "Nobody take MY mic" LOL It is fun being a mom, I wouldn't trade my job for any job in the world! It is nice to have a break every now and then. My wonderful Mother so graciously volunteered to take ALL the kids Monday night and Tuesday night while Jon was off work so we spent two days at home wi...

Time to Post something

Blogging has taken a back burner in my mind and I have to admit as far as keeping up with news from friends I have found that Facebook is an easy way to find out what every one is up too, and to give a short and to the point fact of what is going on in my life also. Those of you who know me, know that I like short and to the point. So you could see how FB works great for me. Nonetheless I do feel somewhat compelled to give a more in depth explanation of our life and circumstances. I am not even sure any one reads this anymore since I don't post very often but here it goes anyway. I am reluctant to share my heart with you simply because I don't want to sound like a complainer, but I wanted to give an idea of the inner struggle that it has been going on these past 7 mos. First of all I want to say that it has been a very hard, heart wrenching time not being in full time ministry. The Ministry is where our hearts are, but at this time God has placed us in this situation and it ...

So here's the News.......

We are expecting a new arrival to the Knouf home some time around September 14, 2009!

Please Pray For Easter Joy! And Her Family The Travis Family, Missionaries to India

TRAVIS FAMILY UPDATE We are truly sorry that we have to report that Esther's Cancer has returned and is progressing very rapidly. We had a series of tests run in December, just before Christmas that showed the cancer was beginning to grow again. At that time it looked like we might be able to operate, remove the cancer and treat her with radiation therapy, here in India. The surgery was scheduled for the 2nd week in January. Esther and I went back to Delhi for the surgery this last week, but the follow up scan prior to surgery showed that the cancer had started growing in some of her bones as well, which means that most likely her cancer is also in her bone marrow. This makes surgery an inadequate solution, since the cancer is not confined to one location. It looks like chemotherapy is the only option we have at this point. While India does have cancer treatment centers, they cannot give the same standard of care that is available in the states. In addition, since Esther had life t...

It's Been Wild!!

Ok, I know it has been toooooooo long since my last post, but life has been very busy and for some reason, (maybe 8 kids and a husband) I haven't had the chance to update you! Rest assured that Life is Grand for us Knouf's and God is Good! We have had a lot of fun to top it all off so here are some pics to give you some idea of what we have been up too! Yes, We are loving, living in a house!!! As to what God has planned for us? When we know what is next we will be sure to let you know(smile) But in the mean time we are serving the Lord at Calvary Baptist Church in Roy, WA. We continue to covet your Prayers as we endevour to pay off some bills and seek the Lords Face as to What He wants for us to be doing! Sorry about not sending out Christmas Letters or Christmas Cards! Hope it was great for all of you!!! Love, Pam