Haden's Healing

Haden’s Healing I guess he didn't like the suit? Holding my 6 mos baby and feeling him go limp and unresponsive with blue around his lips was the first time we realized something was wrong with our precious baby. The Nine years Haden has been on this earth has been met with some obstacles, “He” as an individual and ‘We” as a family have had to overcome. The news “Your child has Epilepsy” was very hard to hear, especially when it was met by medication and side effects along with invasive testing. As a Mother and Father of eight additional children, you can imagine this news also took a toll on them as well. As a mother, I dove deep into studying Epilepsy, to know as much about it as possible. I also as a Home educator tried to teach Haden’s siblings as much as I could about this disease. Months turned into years and I was less nervous about Haden having Epilepsy, most of his seizures were absence seizure (staring type of seizures). Some years later, We found out his l...