My Five Year Journey

Finding time to create a post seems to be my struggle these days. I have wanted to sit down and create so many different post for my neglected blog but the business of life prevents me! Five years ago, I accepted a position at Hope Academy Charter as a Teacher. My children had been  home-schooled up to that point, and they were excited to come to work with Mom and get to be in a “real” school as they put it.

As we drove up to this cute little campus with a bell tower, I said to the kids in the car, “One day, I am going to be the Principal of this place”. Lol  Well that mission was basically accomplished! (If you read this post you will get the long version) Fast forward five years later and what feels like 20 years of stress, I decided to make a career jump and go back to what I have always been meant to do. Being a Wife and Mom!

How is that a career jump?  I am working from home as an Education Specialist for Summit Academy Charter.We began praying that God would open up a door for me to work from home and this opportunity came up. Ironically, I had two other charters interested in hiring me as well. It is funny how doors start to open when we start praying.

I love the fact that I get to mentor families on their individual homeschooling journeys. If you are homeschooling or thinking about it, let me know. I would be more than happy to explain the blessing it has been for our family. Twenty Six years ago when I first started homeschooling my brother, and cousin and two other students from my home, we did not have the amazing opportunities that parents have now. The funding that you receive from the charters for purchasing items to enhance your child's learning was completely unheard of. As a matter of fact, when my oldest children began home school, we had to be careful about going out at certain times of the day because people would want to know why they were not in school.

Homeschooling can seem daunting when you try to do it on your own, but the support that is provided now is amazing. I love that we have home-schooled our children, I love that they all enjoy hanging out as a family. I love that we can even work side by side at the same job and have an amazing working relationship as well. I Love that those graduated, are responsible members of society, living happy healthy lives! Homeschooling them played a big part in that!

Starting a new journey is exciting, although we are stepping out on faith, trusting the Lord will provide. He always has and that could be a whole new post! Part of my new position is to build my roster, if you are interested in signing up please let me know through messenger. If you are interested in what kind of homeschooling Parent you would be, take this fun quiz.

Until next time! @momoftenkids 


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