Knouf Family
Christmas Newsletter
November 22, 2017

God has been so good to our family!

It has been a long time!

Traditionally, I use to write a Christmas letter, however I have failed to do so for a few years now. Part of the reason has been the change of how social media seems to keep us all connected more than ever. Truthfully the main reason has been that I have been too busy to even take time to write such a letter. Rewind back to 2014, Jon and I were going through a time of soul searching with our finances. As many of you know,  we have always had a strong belief that staying home with the children was where I should be. Pami was getting older and having children that could now help with her care it was decided that I needed to help with the financial support of maintaining a family of our size. We began to seek the Lord for guidance in this decision, ironically while I began working with my parents at creating a cleaning business of our own, we would listen to Dave Ramsey as we drove from house to house. I knew that cleaning houses was not what I wanted to do for any length of time, it was through his radio program, and calling in one day that began the journey I am on today. I did not like what I heard from him when I called  the station, however he did send me a book called Start, this book gave me the courage to go back to my true passion and that is Education.  I started by applying for a credential to be a substitute teacher not knowing the crazy journey heading my way.  I was offered a full time position two months after I started. This caused me to begin a Credential/Master's program with Brandman University. (The state of California shows no mercy for anyone with experience in teaching) Knowing that I have a B.A. and have homeschooled my children for over 24 years, I thought there would be an easy loophole that I could jump through to get a California teaching credential, NOPE!  
So, now not only am I working full time but I am now going to school full time! I Prayed for God to give me the grace to get through and I am here to tell you that He did just that! He did not make it easy but as I look back on this amazing journey, I can only tell you that I completed it with his supernatural help. I not only had to get through the classes but had to pass a series of state mandated test, CBEST, CSET, and the RICA, along with TPA1, 2, 3 and 4 (30pages each) if you knew me in High School and College, you would know that test taking was not my forte! After completing the program, you have to do a year of internship which I completed last year. Then to clear your credential you have to do a year of Induction, which I am doing this year. (I should have become a doctor! lol) While writing this letter, I realized we have been so busy that I never took time to celebrate these accomplishments! Lol I could have walked in a graduation ceremony in May but it was a very busy weekend and honestly too expensive. I do want to say that I had an awesome support team during this time, My husband, My Parents and My children were absolutely amazing,  I know I could not have done it without their support.
During these crazy two years of full time work and School, I also went through a cancer scare of my own, had walking pneumonia and TMJ, I don’t want to paint a picture of “feel sorry for me” I want you to see how amazing God has been and the Grace he gives us to get through times that seem impossible!  Also,  the journey that we have experienced with Haden this past year and a half. I will explain that when I get to his part of the story. :0)
Remember when I said that it was hard to imagine going to work full time because of my passion to be a stay at home mom? Can I tell you that when God asks us to step out of our comfort zone and do something He wants us to do, we will be amazed if we obey. Can you believe that right now, my job is working in a learning center with Mackenzie as my assistant Director, Nolan as my support coordinator, Justina as a teacher, Hailey as a teacher and Noah, Levi, Logan, Mia, Haden and Pami as students?!?! My friends, only God can work miracles like that , we serve an Awesome God!
About that learning center, it is all about the heart and passion that I have for educating children. My boss Amy,  created a company ( Discovery of Learning ) that cares about each student as an individual. She wants the social and emotional needs of each student met so that they can thrive in their academic journey. Focusing on their unique learning styles and creating an atmosphere of respect for the staff as well as for each child. These are public learning centers where families can come from any back ground whether it be homeschool families or families that are looking for something more than the public school system. We have charter schools in the state that allow families to use enrichment funds to pay for academic enrichment programs such as our learning center. Even though I do have my credential, her interest in me was my years of experience in homeschooling.  My education journey has been beneficial and I know that it has grown me in many areas but ironically I do not need a credential to hold the position I currently have.  Did I take the path that God wanted me on? Oh yes, I know this because He has been my rock, He has assured me all along the way that I may not know why He puts us on certain paths but I can rest assured that when I am walking in His will it doesn’t always have to make sense! I look back now and I am completely Amazed!
About my job, I am the director of the Palm Desert Campus which has 174 students TK to 12th grade. We have 16 staff members at this campus. My day consist of dealing with many behaviour issues, trying to get students to see that there is a respectful way they can deal with conflict in their life. This keeps me very busy! However, I also get to go into the classrooms and interact with the students, talking to them and having meaningful discussions with them, that is the part I Love! I have an awesome staff that is so supportive and easy to work with.  Of course I have many more duties that go along with running a campus.  I was also promoted this year to be a regional director of all three desert campuses, Indio, Beaumont and Palm Desert this pulls me away from my campus but gives me opportunity to help the directors at the other two campuses. Mackenzie and Nolan take charge in my absence, and they do a great job!  We are open 4 days a week M-Th, we work from home on Friday.
Now for the rest of the family, lol.
Jon is working as foreman for Alta Dena dairy, his commute to work is approximately 5 miles from home! He was commuting to LA so this is another amazing thing that God has done. He lost his mother this year, this was hard but God took her home very gracefully. We were all able to fly up to have a time to honor her life.
Mackenzie as mentioned above is the Assistant Director of the Palm Desert, Discovery Of Learning. She just bought herself a “new ride” and is enjoying life as a single women, although her passion and desire is to eventually be a wife and mom. She is serving the Lord and building her relationship with Him, she works with the children at church and created a ministry called lifeline to help teenagers with the struggles they face. She actively helps out with the music ministry as well. She has a blog too.

Justina is a TK/K teacher at the center and is also in school getting her early childhood certificate. She has a young man that she is interested in, he came for a visit from Iowa and “met the family and Justina for the first time”, we will see where their relationship goes. :0) She also serves the Lord at our church as the sunday school teacher and faithfully goes out witnessing each week. She is actively involved in the music ministry too.
Nolan is the  Program support coordinator at our center, he is working hard at completing a degree in business administration. He just applied to go to Cal State Fullerton next fall! He serves in our church as a musician and leads the choir. He faithfully plays the piano, or violin for each service and uses his guitar for special music. God has blessed him with the talent to play instruments. He faithfully goes out witnessing each week as well.
Hailey is a teacher for the 4th thru 6th grade interest led class at the center. She has many talents such as writing, photography and art. You might want to check out her instagram account lost.girl.from.wonderland or haiileynoel .  She is praying about going to West Coast Baptist next year. She also has a “friend” coming to visit for Thanksgiving to “meet” her and the family for the first time (long story) (He came, we enjoyed having him, we will see where God leads. :0)) She loves the Lord and serves at church in many ways. Oh ya, She graduated this year too! :0)
Noah is in his Senior year, he is going to graduate early. He hopes to go to West Coast as well and play on the Basketball team. He knows that God has called him to be a preacher, and he also wants to possibly get into teaching as a way to support himself when he is in the ministry. He serves in the church as our “sound technician” . He also serves at home as my helper with Haden.
Levi is in his first year of High School, he has a love for Basketball (the Warriors), and Football (The Seahawks). He surrendered to be a preacher at camp this last summer. He is my personal cheerleader, always asking how my day went and offering to help out when I need it. His downfall is that he loves to provoke his siblings to wrath, lol. His basketball team made it to the championship game.
Logan is in 7th grade, yes he is your typical middle schooler! What more can I say except that he has a special relationship with Haden and absolutely loves his momma!  He is also a sports fan,  following the same two teams. His Basketball team won the championship this summer which was fun for the whole family.
Mia is in 5th grade and is approaching adolescence with her “attitude” lol She is a social butterfly that thoroughly enjoys her class, creating projects and talking. Oh, and did I say talking? She loves to ask many many questions which is why I am glad she has her Grandma to answer all those questions. Lol She loves the Lord and wants to witness to all her friends as well as strangers that she meets.
Haden is a fun, loving and caring little boy who is also mischievous and ornery at times. He has had a year and a half of medical craziness. He just underwent brain surgery where they removed a tumor that was benign, but they believe it was the cause of his seizures. He is also autistic which creates problems with getting him to eat “healthy” . God has brought him through an amazing journey and we are confident that he will grow to be a Godly man of God.
Pami is in 1st grade, she loves to play! She has a great imagination and can play for hours. She is the “Baby” of the family and brings so much joy to her mom and dad as well as her siblings. She is feisty and can “hold her own” when it comes to taking up for herself. Many say she is my “little clone” . I guess I named her right! Lol
That wraps it up! We want to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with blessings from God! Live in the Light that He provides because in Him there is no darkness at all! That is comforting when you face times in life that many would call “dark times” .
With Love,
The Knouf Family
(Jon, Pamela, Mackenzie, Justina, Nolan, Hailey, Noah, Levi, Logan, Mia, Haden and Pami)

Fun stuff this Year……..


Diwakar said…
Hello Knouf family. I am a Pastor from Mumbai, India. I am glad to stop by your profile on the blogger and the blog post. I am also blessed and feel privileged and honored to get connected with you as well as know you and about your family and your life in the Lord Jesus Christ. I have thoroughly enjoyed your blog post " Christmas News letter. I am so encouraged by your news letter. I have been in the Pastoral ministry for last 38 yrs in t his great city of Mumbai a city with a great contrast where richest of rich and the poorest of poor live/ We reach out to the poorest of poor with the love of Christ to bring healing to the brokenhearted. We reach out to the poorest of poor with the love of Christ to bring healing to the brokenhearted. We also encourage young and the adults from the west to come to Mumbai to work with us during their vacation time. We would love to have your grown up young kinds in their late teens and beyond to come to Mumbai to work with us. I am sure they will have a life changing experience. Looking forward to hear from you very soon. God's richest blessings on you, your family and friends as well as wishing you a blessed and a Christ centered rest of the New year 2018. My email id is: dhwankhede(at)gmail(dot)com and my name is Diwakar Wankhede.

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