Hello from Utah, We are enjoying being here in Utah, although it does have a dark underlined feeling of evil at times. I would not want to live here all the time but I am thankful for the Pastors and their families who are willing to come and start churches here. It is a hard field for them, The church we were in sunday averages 15 people after 14 yrs. The pastor seems to be encouraged about what God is doing. We have a meeting this Wed. and then on Sunday and then we are off to Idaho.
Today is Nolan's 11th birthday, He is growing up to be quite the Young man. He is a good help with his little brothers and a big help to his mom and Dad. He really enjoys playing out side, he made his own little putt putt course and he did a good job. The church we are staying at has a little creek in the back of it, all the kids have really enjoyed playing around that, finding snakes! Of course Mackenzie had to catch a couple of them, she got smart after the first time and used gloves since the snake she found was a skunk snake :-)
We had good time seeing Bryce Canyon, it was beautiful but freezing when we went. Logan cought another virus and ended up with a double ear infection, Please pray that he will not get any more ear infections!
We are really enjoying our new home, it has been so nice not having to go to the laundry mat any more!! I have to admit that my wonderful husband pushed for a washer and dryer more than I did. I did not think that I could stay up with all our laundry in a stacked washer and dryer but if I do two loads a day, we do fine. Plus I can do normal loads in them anyway it's amazing! So I am very thankful for my Husband :-) Plus we don't have to wait a week to get our clothes back.
Love to hear from you guys so drop us a line sometime! dsrtrats9@yahoo.com