Showing posts from June, 2007
No AC in the desert!
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Hello, Life has been a little out of whack lately, it sure seems like time fly's! Let me start off updating you on any new news. First of all, Jon and I had our 16Th wedding anniversary, I remembered the day before it came and Jon well, he remembered when I gave him an anniversary card, normally he probably would have been in big trouble but I knew I almost forgot so we both had a good laugh about it! We had two meetings since we left WA. One was in Park City UT we thought it would be nice and cool since it is in the mountains but it wasn't and it was there that we discovered that we had no AC working on our RV. To make a LONG story short, we have been vagabonds since it is too hot to stay in the RV, Matt and Sileena put up with us for almost a week and we are hoping that tomorrow we will get the units put on. We picked the perfect time to bug Matt and Sileena since their house closed while we were staying with them and so they are busy packing etc... trying to move. I also fou...
The Great Northwest
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It was such a blessing to be in Washington! God worked it out financially also, we received love offerings from two churches and also from two different friends, we also were able to get another booking from a church in Sept. Most of all it was good to spend time with friends and Loved ones. Grandma and Grandpa spoiled us all, we just can't explain the joy it brings each time we get to be together! They are probably enjoying the peace and quite since they had grand kids over each night that we were there! :-) Little bit of news, I found out that I do have gestational diabetes again. So if you could put me and the baby on your prayer list we would appreciate it. Praise the Lord we are going to be home in time to get the treatment that the Doctor wants me to get other wise she has threatened to drop me as a patient. That always makes you feel real comfortable! Any how I know the Lord is in it all and I am just leaving it in His hands. We had the privilege to spend some time wit...
No Cell Phone or internet service, No WAY!
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Well hello again, we had an interesting couple of weeks. We actually had to survive for nearly a week with no cell service and no Internet. It was kind of nice for a couple of days but then it was irritating. We stayed at a camp for a couple of nights it was out close to Sun Valley, Id. We sure did see some beautiful country. The kids had a great time hiking and roasting hot dogs and marshmallows on the fire. Jon's back was out for about three weeks, he seems to be getting better but you could still pray for him. It is hard when he is down, He is our sole driver and the P.A. is heavy, I know cuz Mackenzie, Nolan and I had to set it up one Sunday when he was really hurting! We were going to head over to Yellowstone but after weighing out our options we decided that 10 hrs of driving would be easy if it meant getting to spend some time with family. So we are right now in Washington state, we had a free Sunday. We will be here until Thursday and then we head down to Nampa, ID and the...