The Great Northwest
It was such a blessing to be in Washington! God worked it out financially also, we received love offerings from two churches and also from two different friends, we also were able to get another booking from a church in Sept. Most of all it was good to spend time with friends and Loved ones. Grandma and Grandpa spoiled us all, we just can't explain the joy it brings each time we get to be together! They are probably enjoying the peace and quite since they had grand kids over each night that we were there! :-)
Little bit of news, I found out that I do have gestational diabetes again. So if you could put me and the baby on your prayer list we would appreciate it. Praise the Lord we are going to be home in time to get the treatment that the Doctor wants me to get other wise she has threatened to drop me as a patient. That always makes you feel real comfortable! Any how I know the Lord is in it all and I am just leaving it in His hands.
We had the privilege to spend some time with the Cousins, Shelby, James, Cameron and Cheyenne. We have not seen them for a couple years so it was a special treat to get to see them and talk to them!! We sure do miss and Love them.

Little bit of news, I found out that I do have gestational diabetes again. So if you could put me and the baby on your prayer list we would appreciate it. Praise the Lord we are going to be home in time to get the treatment that the Doctor wants me to get other wise she has threatened to drop me as a patient. That always makes you feel real comfortable! Any how I know the Lord is in it all and I am just leaving it in His hands.
We had the privilege to spend some time with the Cousins, Shelby, James, Cameron and Cheyenne. We have not seen them for a couple years so it was a special treat to get to see them and talk to them!! We sure do miss and Love them.