MIA JOY KNOUF BORN 8-3-07 12:32 P.M. 8# 14OZ. 20 INCHES We are so happy to announce that every thing went well and we are both home, PTL!!!!!! I went into the hospital Friday morning at 3:00 a.m. to be induced. They had to get 4 hours of antibiotics in me via IV before the doctor could break my water, because I have a beta strep positive culture. They broke my water at 7:30ish, I had a good epidural and so we pretty much just laid back and waited out the 5 hours with a little of pain at the end when the contractions were coming very fast. Two pushes and she was out, that is always nice! Jon, Mackenzie, Justina, Nolan, Grandma, Grandpa, and Aunt Sileena all were at the Hospital to witness the birth. The only problem that we had to deal with is the fact that she has Brada Cardi which simply means she has a low heart rate, so we did not get out of the hospital until Monday and she came home with a monitor just like Hailey, Levi and Logan. It is a bummer but she doesn't need to be on a...