
Showing posts from August, 2007


Hey everyone, Just a quick note to let you know that Mackenzie is an official blogger. She has been wanting to create her own blog so I finally let her, She did it all on her own. The problem is now I to have share time with her on the computer along with my Husband! :-{ Any how just wanted to let you know so you could check it out :-)

Levi's Latest News

Well it is so hard to believe that summer is just about over! I am looking forward to getting into a better routine especially putting the kids to bed at a decent hour! Any how we have been enjoying being around family and friends this summer and we will be missing all of you as we leave on Monday. The kids have enjoyed playing with their cousins sooo much! The other day when Levi was playing with Kaylyn, Noah came to me and said "Mom you need to talk to Levi, He thinks he is going to marry Kaylyn." I told Levi to come here and I began to explain that he could not marry his cousin, He began to cry as he told me that they were going to be husband and wife and he was going to marry her and that there is no other girl as pretty as she is. LOL He was very serious but I think we finally convinced him that he can not marry his cousin. Speaking of funny stories, as I told you before about what Noah said about Mia having two butts, well I must not have explained it well enough cuz wh...

Mackenzie's 50's Bash

Mackenzie had her big "15th" Party last night and it went sooooo good. It was a "teen only" party so she started quite and up roar with her brothers and sisters and COUSINS but they all lived through it and so did she :-) She had a great turn out and was so excited to see some friends that she hadn't seen for over a year. She is so thankful that her Grandma was here to help her with everything she says "Thank you Grandma I am happy that you did so much for me and my Party and all the money you spent, I Love You! You are THE BEST!" "Thank you to all of you for coming, missed you Zack, sorry you had strep!" "Thank You Aunt Sileena and Miss Esha for serving and dressing up" "Thank You to everyone that worked hard finding costumes and making costumes, I loved seeing everyone dressed up!" "Thank you Mom and Dad for all your work and the money you spent, I Love You" "I had a great Party and I feel so blessed it wa...

Newborn Pics


Mia update

Mia is doing good, except for the fact that she has nipple confusion and will not nurse properly. I am pumping and giving her breast milk but it is a work in progress and I could sure use your prayers about this. Breast feeding is very important to me and it will be so hard on me if I cannot get her to nurse, so please pray for that, Thank you sooooooooo much. Other than that she is a very good baby, and we all love and adore her. Logan loves her but he is driving the rest of us crazy, well not really crazy but he is making sure he gets plenty of attention. Grandma is leaving on Saturday with Justina, Nolan, Hailey and Noah. They will be in Washington for about 2 weeks before we get there. I am busy trying to get them all packed up and ready to go, and then I have Mackenzie having a big "15" birthday party because I am not sure if we will be around any one next year when she turns 16 so we are letting her have a big one this year, thank goodness that grandma is doing most of ...


MIA JOY KNOUF BORN 8-3-07 12:32 P.M. 8# 14OZ. 20 INCHES We are so happy to announce that every thing went well and we are both home, PTL!!!!!! I went into the hospital Friday morning at 3:00 a.m. to be induced. They had to get 4 hours of antibiotics in me via IV before the doctor could break my water, because I have a beta strep positive culture. They broke my water at 7:30ish, I had a good epidural and so we pretty much just laid back and waited out the 5 hours with a little of pain at the end when the contractions were coming very fast. Two pushes and she was out, that is always nice! Jon, Mackenzie, Justina, Nolan, Grandma, Grandpa, and Aunt Sileena all were at the Hospital to witness the birth. The only problem that we had to deal with is the fact that she has Brada Cardi which simply means she has a low heart rate, so we did not get out of the hospital until Monday and she came home with a monitor just like Hailey, Levi and Logan. It is a bummer but she doesn't need to be on a...