Mia update

Mia is doing good, except for the fact that she has nipple confusion and will not nurse properly. I am pumping and giving her breast milk but it is a work in progress and I could sure use your prayers about this. Breast feeding is very important to me and it will be so hard on me if I cannot get her to nurse, so please pray for that, Thank you sooooooooo much.

Other than that she is a very good baby, and we all love and adore her. Logan loves her but he is driving the rest of us crazy, well not really crazy but he is making sure he gets plenty of attention.

Grandma is leaving on Saturday with Justina, Nolan, Hailey and Noah. They will be in Washington for about 2 weeks before we get there. I am busy trying to get them all packed up and ready to go, and then I have Mackenzie having a big "15" birthday party because I am not sure if we will be around any one next year when she turns 16 so we are letting her have a big one this year, thank goodness that grandma is doing most of the planning with her but I still feel a little stressed with all that is going on. {Note to myself: don't plan anything around having a baby} Anyhow having EIGHT Kids is very interesting at times it seems like a lot and then there are times when we are all together and it still seems like someone is missing, I am finding myself doing head counts when we get into the Van but I have had it very easy since my mom has been here, SHE IS SUCH A BLESSING!!!!!!!! The boys have mostly stayed with her in the house, it worked out perfectly having her house open and us being able to park in the empty lot, what a blessing!

Something funny that Noah said when I brought the baby home and was changing her diaper, he looked at her and said "Mom, why does she have two butts?" I said "Noah, that is how girls look" He said " Oh they don't have a Pee Pee?" LOL Yes, it has been 8 years since we have had a baby girl in the house! :-)

Thank you to all of you that have left comments and emails, it is nice to hear from you, we really do enjoy it! Roy and Shari, how did you find our blog, wow it has been a long time, would love to hear more about your family and what you guys are up too.

Love to all!!!


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