Levi's Latest News
Well it is so hard to believe that summer is just about over! I am looking forward to getting into a better routine especially putting the kids to bed at a decent hour! Any how we have been enjoying being around family and friends this summer and we will be missing all of you as we leave on Monday.
The kids have enjoyed playing with their cousins sooo much! The other day when Levi was playing with Kaylyn, Noah came to me and said "Mom you need to talk to Levi, He thinks he is going to marry Kaylyn." I told Levi to come here and I began to explain that he could not marry his cousin, He began to cry as he told me that they were going to be husband and wife and he was going to marry her and that there is no other girl as pretty as she is. LOL He was very serious but I think we finally convinced him that he can not marry his cousin.
Speaking of funny stories, as I told you before about what Noah said about Mia having two butts, well I must not have explained it well enough cuz when I was changing her diaper the other day Noah said "Mom, we really need to pray that Mia's pee pee will stick out don't we?" I said "Noah, this IS how a girl is suppose to look, he thought for a while and said, "So YOU look like this?"
My Mom and the kids made it up to Washington just fine and Nolan is off to camp with their church. Hailey was not sure she wanted to be away from me for 2 weeks but she decided to go any way, and she is doing fine. Justina is missing me but I am sure she will be fine.
Mackenzie is having her night with the cousins, she promised to have them come and spend the night since they did not get to go to her party. Here are some pics of them playing together at the rv park we are staying at!
Mia finally latched on 3 times today, I know it is because of the prayers that you have been lifting up on my behalf, Thank You!
I have so much to be thankful for, I am excited about getting back to singing for our Lord, the Lord has been showing me that all He wants from us is full surrender and He will and always has taken care of everything else He gives such wonderful Peace in this life that can be so chaotic. I Love You, Lord!!!
Keep us in Your Prayers, Jon will be Preaching his first revival meeting in Sept.
I am going to need prayer with getting everyone ready and being able to nurse and all that is involved with setting up and tearing down the PA, I usually help with all that but now with a new baby I am sure some things are gonna change. I am just a little nervous about all of it but I know the Lord has it all worked out.
Have a Great School Year Everyone!!
Mia's shirt, can you read what it say's?