Catching up
OK, so life is not the same now that I have EIGHT children, I guess I didn't realize it until I thought about the things I used to be able to get done in a day, and Now well it is different. Of course nursing takes up a lot of that time But just having eight children is A LOT, people used to tell us that after 3 kids it doesn't matter how many you have, it's all the same. Well I am here to say they were wrong! Of course, they only had 2 kids "grin"
Now that I got that off my chest, I am going to attempt to "catch up" on our happenings. For starters I am planning my parents 40Th anniversary reception and so I have been stressed to the hilt trying to make sure it comes together on a budget of nearly nothing, lol. But guess what????????? My Heavenly Father is soooooooooooo wonderful and He happens to be very wealthy, soooooooooooooooo I have had decorations donated and a decorator offer to help me. All the food is being donated, and the cake may even get paid for! PTL I also have to Praise The Lord for all the Wonderful people in my Parents Church, they have stepped up and really helped me out!!
I put a slide show together for them, I had to scan over 100 photos into my computer and then I downloaded a program that I could use to make the slide show, it was a lot of work, but worth it, Jon and the kids think I should have a business putting shows together for people, they really like it, I hope my parents feel the same. ;) The party is this Saturday at 2:00, I don't think I have ever put anything on big like this, can I say that I am just a little stressed. ~grin~ I guess I am getting a little, eensy, weensy taste of what it will be like when my 4 daughters get married! ~scary~
Speaking of Daughters, our littlest one, is just that, "LITTLE" it is soooo weird for us to have a little baby, by now they are at least in size 2 or 3 diapers but she is still in size 1. And she is actually wearing clothes that are for a 3 mos. old. Usually they are at least 3 mos ahead in clothing. It is fun, I was joking with Jon, saying that she is the little red head runt of the litter. I know some of you think that is mean but when you have eight kids you can get by with joking around. She seems completely different also, sometimes I look at her and have to remind my self that she is ours, God definitely used a different cookie cutter this time ~grin~
We spent a week in my parents house while they were in Hawaii, they had a great time, and we had a great time living in "a house" I thought I would be depressed after but we packed up and headed for our next meeting in Tonasket and it was a blessing! It worked out great, I was able to be in thier house to scan all the pics into my computer, so I didn't have to worry about loosing them!
Our meeting in Tonasket was from Sunday thru Wed. it was a revival meeting that Jon Preached, so that makes two for him this year, PTL! It was also a WA state Preachers meeting on Mon. nite and Tuesday Morning and then on Wed. we went to, two nursing homes and sang and Jon gave devotions at each. To say that we kept busy would be an understatement.
The church provided our dinners for us each night, so I didn't have to cook! Nolan asked me the other day, "Why do all these churches that we go to, have soooooo many Pot lucks" He didn't realize that most of them probably haven't had a pot luck for a while, they plan them because it is a "special" day for them. He said, why is it a special day? I said "Well it isn't too often that they have a family with eight children come to sing in their church" He said "Ooooooooh, I get it, we are the "special" day"
That brings me to our ride home last Sunday, we had just left a Chinese restaurant that the Pastor had taken us too, and we were all opening our Fortune cookies and Mackenzie says to Nolan, BEFORE he opens his, "Nolan, yours is gonna say You will always be Stupid" Nolan opens his cookie and it says " Wise men will always be wise and Stupid men will always be STUPID, which one are you" LOL Then she says to Logan as he is crying because no one would help him open his "yours is going to say you need to learn to control your self" We get his open and it says, NO Joke " You need to learn to control your emotions" So If you want your fortune told......Mackenzie would be glad to help you! lol
In a nut shell that has been our happenings, We got to see Matt and Sileena and all my beautiful nieces last night. We start a family Conference with them at my dad's church this Sunday, that will be fun! I couldn't quite get over Sileena and her jet black hair ~grin~ It looks good but it was still a shock.
Well here comes a little pre show of my slide show

Now that I got that off my chest, I am going to attempt to "catch up" on our happenings. For starters I am planning my parents 40Th anniversary reception and so I have been stressed to the hilt trying to make sure it comes together on a budget of nearly nothing, lol. But guess what????????? My Heavenly Father is soooooooooooo wonderful and He happens to be very wealthy, soooooooooooooooo I have had decorations donated and a decorator offer to help me. All the food is being donated, and the cake may even get paid for! PTL I also have to Praise The Lord for all the Wonderful people in my Parents Church, they have stepped up and really helped me out!!
I put a slide show together for them, I had to scan over 100 photos into my computer and then I downloaded a program that I could use to make the slide show, it was a lot of work, but worth it, Jon and the kids think I should have a business putting shows together for people, they really like it, I hope my parents feel the same. ;) The party is this Saturday at 2:00, I don't think I have ever put anything on big like this, can I say that I am just a little stressed. ~grin~ I guess I am getting a little, eensy, weensy taste of what it will be like when my 4 daughters get married! ~scary~
Speaking of Daughters, our littlest one, is just that, "LITTLE" it is soooo weird for us to have a little baby, by now they are at least in size 2 or 3 diapers but she is still in size 1. And she is actually wearing clothes that are for a 3 mos. old. Usually they are at least 3 mos ahead in clothing. It is fun, I was joking with Jon, saying that she is the little red head runt of the litter. I know some of you think that is mean but when you have eight kids you can get by with joking around. She seems completely different also, sometimes I look at her and have to remind my self that she is ours, God definitely used a different cookie cutter this time ~grin~
We spent a week in my parents house while they were in Hawaii, they had a great time, and we had a great time living in "a house" I thought I would be depressed after but we packed up and headed for our next meeting in Tonasket and it was a blessing! It worked out great, I was able to be in thier house to scan all the pics into my computer, so I didn't have to worry about loosing them!
Our meeting in Tonasket was from Sunday thru Wed. it was a revival meeting that Jon Preached, so that makes two for him this year, PTL! It was also a WA state Preachers meeting on Mon. nite and Tuesday Morning and then on Wed. we went to, two nursing homes and sang and Jon gave devotions at each. To say that we kept busy would be an understatement.
The church provided our dinners for us each night, so I didn't have to cook! Nolan asked me the other day, "Why do all these churches that we go to, have soooooo many Pot lucks" He didn't realize that most of them probably haven't had a pot luck for a while, they plan them because it is a "special" day for them. He said, why is it a special day? I said "Well it isn't too often that they have a family with eight children come to sing in their church" He said "Ooooooooh, I get it, we are the "special" day"
That brings me to our ride home last Sunday, we had just left a Chinese restaurant that the Pastor had taken us too, and we were all opening our Fortune cookies and Mackenzie says to Nolan, BEFORE he opens his, "Nolan, yours is gonna say You will always be Stupid" Nolan opens his cookie and it says " Wise men will always be wise and Stupid men will always be STUPID, which one are you" LOL Then she says to Logan as he is crying because no one would help him open his "yours is going to say you need to learn to control your self" We get his open and it says, NO Joke " You need to learn to control your emotions" So If you want your fortune told......Mackenzie would be glad to help you! lol
In a nut shell that has been our happenings, We got to see Matt and Sileena and all my beautiful nieces last night. We start a family Conference with them at my dad's church this Sunday, that will be fun! I couldn't quite get over Sileena and her jet black hair ~grin~ It looks good but it was still a shock.
Well here comes a little pre show of my slide show

To think that it's your parent's
40th wedding anniversary is amazing! I remember when I first met your dad and he was pastoring BBC in Puyallup. He had the "pompador" type hairstyle and your mom so sweet, and still is. I remember him being the first "great" preacher I had ever heard who preached the truth right from the Book. Your mom's example of a true preacher's wife. You had just married Jon and was pregnant with Mackenzie and then I remember when Justina and Nolan were born. This is amazing to me! Your family has been an encouragement to us, from your dad to your mom to you and Jon and your kids. Thank you for being the example I needed when I was "messed up" and self-centered. I appreciate you!
Know I continue to pray for your family and your ministry as well as your dad's pastorate.