The Serious and Lighter side of Life
Ok so I have been out of the bloggy world for a while, and who knows when I will be back to posting more faithfully (is that proper grammar?) but I can't seem to get enough done in my days, I am telling you I feel like my world is spinning and I am not sure how to slow it down! So things like blogging have to be put on the side lines, and boy do I miss it! ~smile~
Going with the title of my post, I have felt a burden to inform you of what has been on my heart, thus the serious side of Life will be first. I have recently found out about 2 situations of Christian Home school families that have allowed their teenage daughters to have a "My Space" page and in both situations the girls have run off with some guy way older than them, now inside I want to scream and yell, WAKE UP PARENTS, you would not allow your child to go to a night club and sit and talk to any Tom, Dick or Harry that walks up to them, but you think it is OK to let them go to their rooms and spend countless hours on the Internet????? Come on, what are you thinking??????? Now that is what I am thinking inside, but of course I wouldn't say that to them. But can I say to any of you that haven't stopped to think about the "New" devises that the devil has to get to our children, that we need to wake up and start thinking. Foolishness is bound in the heart of our children and the rod of correction WILL drive it far from them, some times that "rod" is simply telling them that they are not allowed to get on the Internet unless we are there to supervise, or NO you cannot have a MY SPACE or no you are not allowed to get any emails that I am not allowed to read and NO you cannot text message unless I can read all incoming and out going texts. As Christian Homeschoolers we try our best to keep our kids protected from the "World" but then we allow the worst tool ever invented to be opened to our children, The World Wide Web and then when they run off with some man that is old enough to be their father, we sit and wonder where did we go wrong? Now some of you may think that allowing Mackenzie to have a blog is the same thing as a My space but I monitor all the comments that come in and We don't allow her to post anything unless Jon or I approve it. I know we can't protect our children from everything and we do have to let them spread their wings and fly at one point in their life, but just like the Eagle I am going to try to be there to make sure they can soar with ease until their wings are strong enough to withstand this wicked world that we live in. I know I'm preachin to the choir but I had to vent, and if what I said helped one person, well then it would be worth it! So thanks for allowing me to "vent"~grin~
Now to the lighter side of life, I have to catch up on some of the "funny" things that my kids have been saying or doing.
We will start with Logan, He was at the doctors with all his brothers and sisters and oddly enough they all were due for a vaccination shot, so we lined them up oldest to youngest and we said "lets see who can Not cry for their shot" So we went down the line and got to Levi, He didn't care that NO one else cried, he was gonna cry, So when Logan got up on the table he said to the Nurse"See, I not cry" Then she stuck him in the arm and you should of heard him CRY! lol
then when the doctor was checking his ears a couple weeks later he looked at her and said "ok, that's all don't do that again!"
then last week when I found out that my photographer at the big shopping center that we all love to get good deals at would not be able to give me the same discount that she usually gives me on school pics, I decided that you know what, I could probably take pics myself and just order the prints I wanted online, so that is what we did. So on our "Picture Day" I put a cowboy vest on Logan that my mom had made for Noah, well he did not like wearing that vest he wanted to wear "his" vest, so he said he could not smile cuz that vest makes him sad, so I snapped a bunch of pics with the vest that I wanted him to wear and then put on the vest he wanted to wear, can you see the change?
So that is my Logan news, now on to Noah, Today he comes up to me and says that he knows how he can make lots of money when he gets older, But he says it is kind of bad so I don't want to tell you, (I'm thinking oh great, my son is already thinking about robbing a bank or some criminal act like that) so I ask What Way are you gonna make a lot of money? He says, "well when you and dad die, I will get all your money"lol
I tried to explain debt and 7 brothers and sisters but I don' think He got it!~grin~
You may wonder "why the cowboy suits" Well Grandma gave them to the boys for Christmas and ever since I can't get them to wear anything else unless they are dirty so I figured I might as well do their Pictures in them, plus I think they look pretty cute as cowboys. Mackenzie doesn't like the whole wearing cowboy boots as dress shoes thing so she told Logan, "Uncle Matt doesn't wear cowboy boots, so Logan decided to wear his dress shoes instead" Yes he still thinks the world of "his uncle Matt"
Mia will be on the Monitor for a while longer, her test came back abnormal and she had an alarm the other night so, Praise The Lord for "modern technology" She is doing well, of course we all think she is cute but boy is she spoiled, and sometimes, well that is not too cute. She had a blow out last night for Aunt Sileena, but I will let her tell you about that one~smile~
Well hang on to those Hats and Glasses cuz now it is time to view just a few of those Pics that I took so go ahead and log off if you aren't into "the picture thing"~grin~ of course some of you just skipped all the reading and went right to the "good stuff" ha/ha Now that is my kind of person~wink~
Going with the title of my post, I have felt a burden to inform you of what has been on my heart, thus the serious side of Life will be first. I have recently found out about 2 situations of Christian Home school families that have allowed their teenage daughters to have a "My Space" page and in both situations the girls have run off with some guy way older than them, now inside I want to scream and yell, WAKE UP PARENTS, you would not allow your child to go to a night club and sit and talk to any Tom, Dick or Harry that walks up to them, but you think it is OK to let them go to their rooms and spend countless hours on the Internet????? Come on, what are you thinking??????? Now that is what I am thinking inside, but of course I wouldn't say that to them. But can I say to any of you that haven't stopped to think about the "New" devises that the devil has to get to our children, that we need to wake up and start thinking. Foolishness is bound in the heart of our children and the rod of correction WILL drive it far from them, some times that "rod" is simply telling them that they are not allowed to get on the Internet unless we are there to supervise, or NO you cannot have a MY SPACE or no you are not allowed to get any emails that I am not allowed to read and NO you cannot text message unless I can read all incoming and out going texts. As Christian Homeschoolers we try our best to keep our kids protected from the "World" but then we allow the worst tool ever invented to be opened to our children, The World Wide Web and then when they run off with some man that is old enough to be their father, we sit and wonder where did we go wrong? Now some of you may think that allowing Mackenzie to have a blog is the same thing as a My space but I monitor all the comments that come in and We don't allow her to post anything unless Jon or I approve it. I know we can't protect our children from everything and we do have to let them spread their wings and fly at one point in their life, but just like the Eagle I am going to try to be there to make sure they can soar with ease until their wings are strong enough to withstand this wicked world that we live in. I know I'm preachin to the choir but I had to vent, and if what I said helped one person, well then it would be worth it! So thanks for allowing me to "vent"~grin~
Now to the lighter side of life, I have to catch up on some of the "funny" things that my kids have been saying or doing.
We will start with Logan, He was at the doctors with all his brothers and sisters and oddly enough they all were due for a vaccination shot, so we lined them up oldest to youngest and we said "lets see who can Not cry for their shot" So we went down the line and got to Levi, He didn't care that NO one else cried, he was gonna cry, So when Logan got up on the table he said to the Nurse"See, I not cry" Then she stuck him in the arm and you should of heard him CRY! lol
then when the doctor was checking his ears a couple weeks later he looked at her and said "ok, that's all don't do that again!"
then last week when I found out that my photographer at the big shopping center that we all love to get good deals at would not be able to give me the same discount that she usually gives me on school pics, I decided that you know what, I could probably take pics myself and just order the prints I wanted online, so that is what we did. So on our "Picture Day" I put a cowboy vest on Logan that my mom had made for Noah, well he did not like wearing that vest he wanted to wear "his" vest, so he said he could not smile cuz that vest makes him sad, so I snapped a bunch of pics with the vest that I wanted him to wear and then put on the vest he wanted to wear, can you see the change?
So that is my Logan news, now on to Noah, Today he comes up to me and says that he knows how he can make lots of money when he gets older, But he says it is kind of bad so I don't want to tell you, (I'm thinking oh great, my son is already thinking about robbing a bank or some criminal act like that) so I ask What Way are you gonna make a lot of money? He says, "well when you and dad die, I will get all your money"lol
I tried to explain debt and 7 brothers and sisters but I don' think He got it!~grin~
You may wonder "why the cowboy suits" Well Grandma gave them to the boys for Christmas and ever since I can't get them to wear anything else unless they are dirty so I figured I might as well do their Pictures in them, plus I think they look pretty cute as cowboys. Mackenzie doesn't like the whole wearing cowboy boots as dress shoes thing so she told Logan, "Uncle Matt doesn't wear cowboy boots, so Logan decided to wear his dress shoes instead" Yes he still thinks the world of "his uncle Matt"
Mia will be on the Monitor for a while longer, her test came back abnormal and she had an alarm the other night so, Praise The Lord for "modern technology" She is doing well, of course we all think she is cute but boy is she spoiled, and sometimes, well that is not too cute. She had a blow out last night for Aunt Sileena, but I will let her tell you about that one~smile~
Well hang on to those Hats and Glasses cuz now it is time to view just a few of those Pics that I took so go ahead and log off if you aren't into "the picture thing"~grin~ of course some of you just skipped all the reading and went right to the "good stuff" ha/ha Now that is my kind of person~wink~
Love the pics!!
That baby girl is just about the cutest baby I've ever seen. *happy sigh*