My Surprise!

My Birthday Surprise
My husband and children and Mother all pulled together to plan a wonderful surprise for me in honor of my 40th, yes I said 40th , I know I don’t look a year past 29 but it is true, I must admit, I am 40 yrs old now. Do I feel 40? Well that depends on what day you ask me, but for the most part I am still in shock that I am thru my 30’s and how fast it went by!

Back to the Party, It was a great one, I had a blast and I was spoiled and so touched by the Love that everyone showed by coming out to honor ME! ~big Smile~ I received so many wonderful gifts some of which I am glad to say that I do not need as you can see from the Picture below, thanks to my beloved brother, but he was kind enough to put the receipt with it so that I could take it back and get the money, the only thing he didn’t realize is that they don’t like to take back hemorrhoid medication and laxatives back but since I explained that it was a gag gift they went ahead and took it. Whoo hoo!

Any way the gift that topped them all was what my husband got for me! A Pink Sony Cyber shot! Oh, Ya, I love it! I can’t believe how fast it takes pictures.

It was a wonderful evening and I felt soooooooo Loved! Thank you to all of you that came out for it. Thank you for all the wonderful gifts. I have to say a great big thanks to My Husband, My Children and my Mother for all the work and planning that they did for me and for the gifts that meant sooo much. Thank you to my children that spent so much money on me even though I know you can’t afford it to make me feel loved, I truly do!
Thank you to my Mom and Dad who paid my way to the Ladies Conference, It was a blessing to me and my teen girls!
Thank you to My Love for showing me Love through all the gifts that you gave to me, You are such a wonderful husband and a Great Dad and I Love You So Much!
I want to name everyone that came and also brought gifts but you know who you are and I truly was honored that you took time from your busy schedules to come to my Party, Thank You!
I also know that Matt and Sileena would have loved to come but they were too far away but I want to say thank you for your gifts, I Love you guys and miss you!
This has been the month of birthday Parties, I will attempt to post some pics of Levi and Logan’s Birthday then of course my birthday and then last night we celebrated Cameron and Justina’s Birthdays at the Mall. It was really Justina’s Party but we threw in a little party for Cameron since his birthday was on the 19th !
They had a bigger and better hunt and it was a fun time for them They actually got some pretty neat things from some of the stores. Justina’s actual Birthday is not until next week so I will try to give her a Post next time, But I want to say right now If I don’t get the time to do it, that I love you! I can’t believe that it has been 14 yrs since you were born and what a lovely young lady you have become you are such a blessing to your Mom and Dad! Happy Birthday!
Well that about wraps up the Parties, no punt intended, ~smile~ but as far as life in general things have been as busy as ever. My Parents sold their house and have to be out of it by next week so we have been trying to be some kind of a help to them and then once they get through all the stress of moving they are leaving for California to be with BBC on their anniversary Sunday so they will not be with us the last two weeks that we are here, ya, that is a bummer! Grandpa missed us the first week that we got here, but we are trying to make the most of the time that we do get with them!
Take Care, Until my next post!

Mia with Grandma Knouf

The Cousins!

This is the Petrick Family, We had a great time with them at the Missions Conf.


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