My name is Pamela. I travel full time with my husband and seven children. We sing as a family. We started in this ministry in August full time. Let me tell you about my life prior to this. I was born in , Ca. At a very young age. :-) My parents are James and Carol . I have two brothers. I have six beautiful nieces and two handsome nephews, from my brothers. My sister-n-law is a good friend as well as a good wife to my brother.
I received Christ as my savior when I was 12yrs old, I was baptized in my fathers church, Bible Baptist Church. I grew up as a PK(Preachers Kid) Yes at times it was hard to live up to the expectations of the church members. Thank the Lord I had parents that put our family before the ministry. I am so thankful for parents that Love me and raised me up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
I committed my Life to the Lord as a teenager, I praise the Lord, not myself, that I can say that I have never tried drugs, cigarettes, or any kind of alcoholic beverage and that I kept myself for my husband. Please don't think that I am bragging, I just want others to know that the Lord can do wonderful things with our lives if we allow Him too.
As a teenager, I prayed for the right man for me, I wanted him to have kept himself for me and to have stayed away from drugs, alcohol and cigarettes. I was told that this was unrealistic and that I would have to lower my standard, b/c in this day and age there is no such thing. Well, all things are possible with God. Not only did I get the man I prayed for, but my husband got the exact girl that he prayed for. You see, Jon met me when I was about 12 and he was 14. We only met on one occasion(I don't remember meeting him) but after spending an afternoon with me and my family at a restaurant, he claimed me to be his future wife. You see, he asked the Lord to one day give me to him. Well, about nine years after that, my parents knocked on Jon's door and invited him to come to church. That afternoon, my dad called me at college and told me that they met my future husband. They had been praying for me to meet just the right guy. After graduating from college, I did meet Jon. We started dating and a year later we were married, that has been 15 years ago.
We now have 7 children. Mackenzie 14yrs, Justina 12yrs, Nolan 10yrs, Hailey 7yrs, Noah 5yrs, Levi 3yrs, and Logan 20mos. I believe that children are a reward from the Lord. I had always wanted six children, but when we got to six, the Lord smote my heart about surrendering my life to Him. I believe that if I am fully surrendered to Him I need to give him all of my life EVEN letting Him decide how many children He wants us to have. God has always provided well for our family and we just trust Him to continue, no matter how many children we have. This Life that we get so wrapped up in, is so temporal. I try not to focus on my life and my plans but I try to keep my focus on God's plan for my life. This may seem strange in this day and age, but I want my treasures to be in heaven not here on this earth. Thank the Lord that He still continues to give treasures on this earth, that far exceed what this world could ever give. Ephesians 3:20! My seven children are wonderful treasures, I thank the Lord for each of them.
Now back to this present day, I told you that we travel and sing as a family. We have a Ford Excursion and a 32ft trailer. We sold all of our earthly belongings and stepped out by faith into this ministry. So far the Lord has taken good care of us, we have been in Washington state since August and have been in many churches. Our home base is CA. We are members of Calvary Baptist Church. They are our sending church and we are so grateful for all they do for our family.
We also have friends that have opened their home and property to us so that when we are home, we have a place to stay. My parents live in WA. Where my dad is the pastor of Calvary Baptist Church. They also have a great set up for our family with a gymnasium and shower room and even a laundry room so that I can do all our laundry there! We have had many pastors tell us that if we are in their area, we are welcome to hook up any time at their churches, this is also a great blessing and encouragement to our family.
We plan on doing this for as long as the Lord allows. We do pray that some day He would give us a bus, but we have put that in His hands.
I didn't know how you and John met...VERY neat story. We miss you!!!