So Jon calls me on the phone and tells me what had happened (except the part about Logan getting left behind and that his lip was all swollen) and ask me to come pick them up in the van since they don't want to walk back the same way that they came.
When I got to them I could see that the boys were all standing fine with their Dad until I got up there, That is when they all started crying and showing me all the places that they were stung and how horrible the whole thing was for them. Jon of course was very calm and could even find the humor in the whole thing.
Levi said, "Those Mean Flies started biting us, Mommy" he didn't want me to come and pick them up because he didn't want those Mean flies to kill me. (aaaaah, isn't that so sweet?)Noah was upset but not so much that he couldn't show me all the blackberries they had picked, Nolan was so irritated that he said to Noah, "Noah just throw those stupid things down, that is why we all got stung, picking those dumb berries!"
So as I get them all home and begin to administer benedryl and baking soda paste and pain reliever, Mackenzie, the newest blogger begins snapping pictures of the whole chaotic episode. I said Mackenzie, what are you doing? She says Oh, this will make a great post! LOL So I figure Hey, I might as well tell the story before she does, ha/ha
I figured I would use these Pics of her b/c she took these also, she is non stop with my camera now, she filled my card completely, it has never been full but now I have 876 PICTURES on my sim card. She will probably want to kill me for posting these Pics but I do tell them that if it is on my Camera and they Posed for it then it is MY Property! :-) Love You Mackenzie :-) Love, Mom
Mia is just beautiful... she definitely looks like a Knouf bebe. :)