Where do I start?

Ok, It seems like it has been a while since I have had the chance to get on this computer. Currently we are in Paulsbo, WA. Jon is Preaching his first revival meeting and we are singing each night. The Lord has seemed to be blessing, and we are enjoying the Wonderful hospitality of the Pastor and his wife and the great church family here at Bible Baptist Church. The meetings are over on Friday and then we will be back at Calvary Baptist, Roy on Sat. to sing in their revival meeting. Then on Sunday the 23rd we will be at an Indian church in Tacoma, at the end of that week we will be leaving for Vancouver WA. and then to Eastern WA. where we will be for all of Oct. and some of Nov.

We have had some fun things going on. We were invited to come and see the Baydo's new Ponies and the kids enjoyed riding their horse, they even learned a few things! :-0 In those pictures, you may notice that LEVI has a swollen face, well we don't know why, but he woke up Thursday morning with bumps and his face on the right side was all swollen, it was getting so bad by that evening that I decided to take him into the emergency. While at the emergency we had the privilege of seeing all sorts of gross things, a kid with a big gash in his head, a kid with his mouth all messed up, people throwing up, I tell you after being there for 4 HOURS I thought I was going to be sick. Praise The Lord I haven't got sick and Levi got the medicine that he needed and is all better. We think it was a

I am going to put some Pictures of Mia, Just for Aunt Sileena, because she finally for the first time in her life, wore a hat for a day!!!! Enjoy Aunt Sileena :-) She is growing, I weighed her while we were at the hospital and she now is 10#'s 1 oz. She also finally started latching on, so she is not taking a bottle now unless it is necessary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PTL Thank you for praying for her and me!!

Well It is now Saturday the 29th, I can't believe I am still working on this Post!! I feel like just giving up. I wrote a bunch more and then down loaded a bunch of pics and couldn't get it to save then I spilt breast milk on the keyboard, so we had to buy a new keyboard but praise the Lord we didn't have to buy a new computer!

Anyhow, we had the privilege of singing with the Darden Family on saturday at my Dad's church. That was a blessing, it was also a blessing to get to spend a few days with our missionary friends, Steve and Melinda Sissons, they are on furlow from Japan and they had the time to come to Paulsbo and spend two nights with us up there. Pastor Burden had a trailer that he allowed them to stay in. My Parents came up on Monday and stayed the night so they were able to hear Jon preach for two nights and of course they wanted to hear us sing :-) Grandpa took the kids on a walk down by the sea and I will load some of those pictures for you to see. He is always so good about taking his grand kids out on hikes and walks and they love it sooooooo much.
Logan is in a stage right now where if we want him to do something, all we have to say is Uncle Matt would do it and then he will do it right away, he loves his Uncle Matt and Aunt Sileena and his Cousins, As we all do!!!

It has been a blessing to visit so many of our friends. We have had some sweet fellowship with The Sundquist, The Wordens, The Sissons and The Dardens. It is wonderful how the Lord gives life long friends as long as we are all serving Him we get to enjoy special time together and oh how sweet it is! Thanks to all of you guys for making time for us, it was truly a blessing getting together!

It has been crazy trying to put this Post together and I don't even have time right now to be doing it so I am just going to post it and hope it makes sense :-)

Oh I forgot to tell you, I was feeling domestic so we went out and picked some more Blackberries and I made a blackberry cobbler, wow Martha Steward watch out!! :-) Ok Sileena, go ahead and keep laughing but it was actually pretty good, just ask Mackenzie, she is the REAL cook in the family :-)

Noah also got a bee bee gun from his Grandpa because he told Grandpa that he wanted to hunt, well now he wants to kill something and that cute little bird that you see Mackenzie holding He wanted me to let him shoot it! NO, I did not let him shoot it, but thanks to his trip to the Baydo's house he now wants to kill something and mount it's head to our wall!!!!!!! This is the boy that Uncle Matt needed, he is in a family of people that don't want to eat wild game nor do we care to shoot any, poor Noah. He may get to go hunting for wild turkey when we get back in Nov.! Well I think I covered the basics, Love to All!!!!!


mama2drama said…
I LOVE LOVE LOVE this post! I am SOOOOOO glad that Noah is such a BOY!!! and I love that Logan loves us so much! Mia looks absolutely ADORABLE! Of course I have to say something about the blackberry cobbler. Pam, that is what I'm saying! HA I love you all sooooo much. Take a look at ours for updated pics. There's been a lot of 'em lately.
Aunt Sileena and your favorite sister n law married to your baby brother!
mama2drama said…
Oh, by the way, Logan's obsession with Uncle Matt is not just a phase and will be rewarded!

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