A night of Misery! or 9 sick people in a box! or Food Poisoning, Ya Right! OR The Black Tank Is Full! Or Good Bye! You Pick the Title :-)
Just Because she is so CUTE!
I did not know how to title this Post, it was one of those days that you really never dream of having when you dream about growing up and getting married and having children. Now the day before was one of those dreamy days, You know you all get up and get ready to go see family and have a bar-b-Q and all the kids have a great time playing with their cousins, and as you sit around chit chatting your cousin tells you about this awful food poison that they had a couple days ago, and in your mind you are thinking, “I hope it was really food Poisoning and not the flu, cuz I really don’t want to deal with any kids getting sick” But you shake it off and enjoy the sweet fellowship with your family, especially since you may not see them again for about 10 mos.!
Well we all went home and every things seemed fine and dandy UNTIL Sunday Morning as we were all, almost ready to go to church, I discover that Noah has a High Fever, and Logan says his tummy hurts, so I tell Jon to go ahead and I stayed home with them, but then I start feeling sick and I was REALLY wishing that I had, had one of my older children there to help me! I survived, and when they got home we decided that because we need to get a “new” family portrait done for our “new” prayer cards that we would go ahead and get everyone dressed since the girls had spent “special” time doing their hair a certain way and we were leaving in 3 days so it needed to get done, so we went to Wal Mart and took Pictures. I put some foundation on Levi cuz he looked like scar face from Logan pinching him in the face, and then as we were sitting taking the Pictures we all had the pleasure of smelling Logan’s diaper that we found out later was not staying in the diaper. ~oh, Joy~ at least he was on Jon's Lap ~smile~ The good news is we did get a pretty good picture, thank goodness the medicine kicked in for poor Noah cuz his little cheeks were about as red as an apple just prior to getting there.

I felt like I had a rock in my stomach which I found out later that it had nothing to do with the flu, but was from taking acidophilus pills, THANKS LIZ! Now the sickness that Noah had was what his cousin Kaylyn had the week prior, she had come to spend the night and had to go home early because she came down with a very High fever, that sickness is now lasting for over a week and has gone through Noah, Mia, Logan and Now it looks like Levi has it. ~smile~ Now even though I do not ever want to go through my kids being sick, I know that it is a part of life that we all have to deal with and so I willingly accept it, BUT stop the freight train right there! Let me get back to Sunday Night, I stayed home again with the kids cuz I wasn’t feeling well and now Mia was having fever so Jon took the kids and went to church hoping that at least some of them would be able to sing a special because we were asked to sing that night, That didn’t happen because our sound track Cd’s were missing, it just keeps getting better. Logan begins to fill his diaper again and then again and then it starts coming out of his mouth, again, and then again. Jon comes home late cuz the girls had SNACK at church, oddly enough the snack was hobo soup, you know, every one brings their favorite can of soup or veggies and you put it all together and eat it~ I don’t think after what happened late that night, that Mac and Stina will ever eat that again!
I know you can already surmise as to what happened but I have to tell you that in 15 yrs. Of being a mother, I NEVER dreamed I would ONE be sick my self to the point of not knowing how I could stand up and take care of another human being other than my self and Two have a husband that was sick and you already know that when MEN are sick, they are always sicker than you, so when Jon did get home, He went straight to bed and then third I never thought that I would have 7 out of 8 kids sick all at once!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, you heard me, that is 9 human beings living in a box with one toilet and everyone vomiting or well you know the other option! Thank good ness for taco bell, Del taco and other fast food cups cuz we were all hanging on to them for dear life, the miracle in the whole thing is that everyone except for Logan made it in their cup or in the toilet! I am telling you instead of fire drills we have throw up drills for our kids, and now it really paid off, cuz there was No Way I would have been able to Clean up anything that Night, I would have had to do like I remember seeing when I was about 6 or 7 years old. I was back in Arkansas visiting my Great Grandma and I went to her neighbors house to visit their kids and as I walked through the house I saw puddle after puddle all through the house where they had puked and some one just threw newspaper on top of it, I can’t tell you how horrible it smelt in that house, but I can tell you, I don’t know why I stayed in there and played with their son for a while and yes that is one of those times I had the flu, I wonder where I got it? Any how back to my night of misery, as I had just finished helping Hailey clean her cup up and lay back down, Noah starts in his cup (yes, poor Noah had two sicknesses in one night) and then I go to flush it down the toilet and when I do I hear that all familiar sound , The Black Tank Is Full, Now, I stand there thinking, do I wake up my poor husband who is sick, or do I just wait to see if we can last till morning? If I wait til morning and the tank over flows it will over flow on the top of the RV and will run down the sides of the coach, How do I know this will happen? Been there done that! So, I wake Jon up and let him deal with it! Now I know some of you are thinking that I did have a third option and that was I could have done it myself, well you know how guys are with dishes and laundry and giving the kids a bath, they would be more than willing to do those things but they just don’t know HOW to do them~wink~ That is my excuse ~smile~
Joy comes in the morning, and though it wasn’t gone we felt at least well enough to sit up, Then Nolan woke up from a nice long nights sleep and asked, why is everyone still sleeping, it is 9 o clock? Ya and he still hasn’t got it! My brother called me that morning to see if we had been sick, He was lucky enough to get sick too, but it was just He and Sileena! ~smile~
We wanted to say good bye to the Steve’s but unfortunately they were all sick the day we left, hmmmm, I wonder where they got it? Sorry Chris, We love you guys!
These are some Pics that Mac took or had taken, while she said good bye! The boy with his arm on Justina can no longer use that arm now that I viewed that pic, ~wink~ so don't get your shovel and shot gun, Uncle Matt! lol
Here we are in Santa Cruz and just after crossing the Golden Gate! whew whooooo!
Ya, all the Japenees wanted to take Logan's Picture as he stepped out of the RV, Now I know what the Movie stars go through with the paparazzi, smile!
Take care,
We miss you already...