Wow, alot to say and Actual time to say it! ~smile~
These are Pics of our Previous meeting, and the Pastor and his Wife and their grand daughters that took the girls Shopping. What a Great Sunday we had!

Well we finished an awesome week of Revival, I must say that the Lord touched our hearts every single message was so great! The biggest thing that was preached was how we all need to be broken for the Lord, once we are broken then He can begin to use us. Humility is where we all need to be before the Lord can lift us up, once we pour out our selves then The Lord can use us to the fullest.
I could expound a whole lot more but I am not like Sileena or like Ashleigh who know how to expound on thing so well*smile* I like to just get to the point, even if it may be boring that way. ~grin~
Any how it was a blessing to our Family and The Church took such good care of us, they cooked us meals each day at 4:00 which made it so nice for us to eat early and then go get ready and also gave us time to warm up our voices after eating. At times like these I feel almost guilty that we are so blessed, We are trying so hard to teach our children that God takes care of His own and when we give all to Him we can never go wrong. My heart is Overwhelmed by His goodness in our lives!
We leave Wed. night for Willits, CA. We plan to be back in SO. CA. in December, Lord Willing. So there are a lot of things going through our minds as we think about being so far a way from home
for so long. I think this will be the first year for our children to spend so much time away from Gandma and Grandpa Nolan, and they are already talking about the fact the we will most likely not be spending Thankgiving with them, and that will be a first!
We are looking at our time in NY as our first "Missions trip" as we will be ministering to the Jewish people of the city. Please be in prayer for this. Below you will see the Picture of three of my girls, can you believe this is the first time they have all had the same matching dresses! I was able to find matching ties for all the boys and that was a first time for them but unfortunatly I do not have a pic of it, hopefully tomorrow we have to re do our family portrait for our new prayer cards, oh fun!
Changing the subject totally
I want to know what happened to the good ole days when I could tell my kids we were gonna go some where and I didn't have to give at least an hours notice! I'm tellin you, having two teenage girls in the house has been life changing! I never knew how important it was to make sure you are wearing "just the right clothes or just the right hair doo" and my life is over run with curling irons, hot rollers, make up and blow dryers! AHHHHHHHHH, I am looking forward to Nolan as a teen so that maybe we can quit loosing space, do you know how many shoes they think they need??????? Do you know how hard it is for all of us to get ready at the same time?? Our friends call living in a trailer, rubics cube living, We now are in that phase, living in our motor home, Why? because we have 4 girls! Yes, now when we want to drive the motor home we have to move many things into the van that we didn't use to have to do. I am also amazed at how much luggage a tiny little body can bring into our lives. We decided to get Mia a saucer so that we would have a place for her to safely sit, and well it takes up quite a bit of room, but what do ya do? She is already sooooo spoiled, she thinks she should be held ALL the time!!! And then the extra laundry that a baby brings, I mean their clothes are so small, why am I having to do so much more laundry!???!!! But would I change it? NO! I love my girls and I love that they care about how they look! And I am sooooooooooo glad that I no longer have to go to the LAUNDRY MAT! So when I think I am going a little crazy, I start to think about the fact that I really only have 2 maybe 3 more years with all of our children at home, and that makes me sad! Cuz then I will probably start seeing them moving out about every two years for the next 18yrs. I LOVE being a Wife and a Mother, it is what I always dreamed about doing and what a blessing to get to live out your dreams!!!! Thank You Lord for being soooo good to ME!
I want to know what happened to the good ole days when I could tell my kids we were gonna go some where and I didn't have to give at least an hours notice! I'm tellin you, having two teenage girls in the house has been life changing! I never knew how important it was to make sure you are wearing "just the right clothes or just the right hair doo" and my life is over run with curling irons, hot rollers, make up and blow dryers! AHHHHHHHHH, I am looking forward to Nolan as a teen so that maybe we can quit loosing space, do you know how many shoes they think they need??????? Do you know how hard it is for all of us to get ready at the same time?? Our friends call living in a trailer, rubics cube living, We now are in that phase, living in our motor home, Why? because we have 4 girls! Yes, now when we want to drive the motor home we have to move many things into the van that we didn't use to have to do. I am also amazed at how much luggage a tiny little body can bring into our lives. We decided to get Mia a saucer so that we would have a place for her to safely sit, and well it takes up quite a bit of room, but what do ya do? She is already sooooo spoiled, she thinks she should be held ALL the time!!! And then the extra laundry that a baby brings, I mean their clothes are so small, why am I having to do so much more laundry!???!!! But would I change it? NO! I love my girls and I love that they care about how they look! And I am sooooooooooo glad that I no longer have to go to the LAUNDRY MAT! So when I think I am going a little crazy, I start to think about the fact that I really only have 2 maybe 3 more years with all of our children at home, and that makes me sad! Cuz then I will probably start seeing them moving out about every two years for the next 18yrs. I LOVE being a Wife and a Mother, it is what I always dreamed about doing and what a blessing to get to live out your dreams!!!! Thank You Lord for being soooo good to ME!
Noah had his birthday a week before his dad but I don't have any Pics! He is 7 yrs old now and is, well if you have ever seen Kevin on Home Alone, well he is kind of like Kevin. He is all boy and loves to wrestle with his little bro's but also loves to drive his older sisters nutts! ~smile~ We Love You, Noah! You will notice him above, riding a ride at John's incredible Pizza Co. with his Cuz and other siblings!
The Birthday Boy!

The Birthday Boy!
I have to explain why my husband is wearing a necklace, It was his gift from Hailey so he put it on for the brief moment, and well it is the only pic I have of him at his Party! ~smile~ Happy Birthday, Jon, I Love You!