Keepers at home
Warning: This is not for Everyone and May make some people very upset
My heart goes out to single moms that have no choice, I know you are out there and I am so sorry! If you have a choice then I am talking to you.
From My Heart,
A while back I met a young mother of a premature little girl who was only released from the hospital for I think about 4 weeks and the mother was already back to full time work. I asked the mother how long she is away from the baby, she then told me that she is gone 9 hrs a day from her and her 3 yr. old son. My heart went out to the children first of all and then to the mother who I hope, would love to be at home with her children.
This brings me to my point, The bible tells us that the older women are to teach the younger women to be, well let me just put the verse down: Titus 2: 3-6
3The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;
4That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,
5To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
6Young men likewise exhort to be sober minded.
My Point is this, believe it or not this young mother worked full time as a staff member at a church and her husband was full time staff as well. That is what bothered me most. I am a firm believer that women should be home with their young children. Will that take sacrifice on your part, Yes, But I am a living example that God will provide your "needs." Now if your children are in school and you can be home when they get home then that is a different story. However, there is no way around the fact that no one is going to care for your children the way You should be caring for your Children. These same children will be in a nursery for a good part of Saturday and Sunday.
Is this controversial? Oh Yes, it is and that is why you don't hear it preached like it use to be preached. Or taught in our bible colleges like it use to be taught. There was a time in america that a fundamental church would not employ a mother of young children.
God put a burden in my heart to share with anyone that is listening to take the challenge and make the decision to be a mom that Stays home with your children. But don't stop there, We need to teach these girls that they should be at home as well. I did not say anything to the girl I met and maybe I should have but it didn't feel like it was my business.
I worked in day care for about 7 years and I saw first hand how those kids longed to have their mom, and it broke my heart but it also put a fire in me to decide that when I did have children, I was going to stay home with them. I talked to Jon when we were going to get married about how I felt so that it was not an issue.
Far too long have we bought in to satan's lies that in this economy it takes two parents working full time to raise a family. Yes, you may not have all those things that you Want. The God of Yesterday is still the same God Today, He hasn't changed. We need to teach these young mothers that it is ok to stay home and care for your children (it's what they should do) and God will provide your needs! How can a women be a "keeper at home" when she is gone 40 plus hours a week?
Which brings me to my next point, as I sat and talked to this young mother, she was telling me that this tiny little baby had been fussy for the babysitter but when the sitter would pick her up she would stop fussing and she said to me "We try not to hold her much at home so that she does not get spoiled" Then I almost began to weep, you may think I'm being ridiculous but that broke my heart as I began to think about this child being away from her mother for nine hours a day and then when she finally gets to see her she tries Not to hold her much? Wow! We have dropped the ball as Christian Women if this is what the young girls think a "Mother" should be!!!!
I did tell her that I hold my infants as much as I want because they are little for such a short time, I held Mackenzie for hours and would just stare into her cute little face, I tried to soak it up and this year as I sent her off to College I can honestly say that the time just flew by, I can't imagine how I would feel if I had not spent the time that I did with her. Call our family crazy but when I leave to go for a walk or a short trip to the grocery store or whatever, I have a line of kids that have to give me a hug and a kiss and want to say goodbye as if I'm leaving for a week or something and though it can be crazy when I want to just run somewhere, I Love It and would have it be no other way!!!
I'm not standing on a soap box trying to puff myself up, I am trying to get some of you young ladies to make a choice, consider being a stay at home mom for the sake of your children.
My heart goes out to girls that have been taught either by example or by mouth that it just can't be done, but I'm here to say that it can be done. And would Love for some of you "Aged" women to stand with me to get the word out there, to some very mis-led young ladies, would you help?
The Devil is working hard to tear down families and he knows that "the hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world" That is why he wants us to let someone else rock the cradle while we go out and earn a living. And by the way, there are many ways you can earn money and still be home.
My heart goes out to single moms that have no choice, I know you are out there and I am so sorry! If you have a choice then I am talking to you.
Written In Love from a heavy heart!
Such truth, great post! :)
We were a single income family for many years and were happy.
I started working part time only because I could take the kids with me. I loved my job for a long time.
Then my husband and I together started another joint venture part time hoping it would lead to full time employment for him so he could quit his current job. Again, I loved that job.
Over the last year or so, those two jobs became "jobs" and I no longer enjoyed them because God was tugging at my heart telling me it was time to be a mom with nothing else demanding my time. I began to pray and ask God to work out all the details and He did...and I am so happy and thankful for answered prayer!
We definitely don't have the finest of things but we are happy. We only have our children for a short time...make the most of your time with them!
Once they're grown and out of the house I can get another job (if I choose to). Right now my job is at home with my kids.