
12:32 P.M.

8# 14OZ.


We are so happy to announce that every thing went well and we are both home, PTL!!!!!! I went into the hospital Friday morning at 3:00 a.m. to be induced. They had to get 4 hours of antibiotics in me via IV before the doctor could break my water, because I have a beta strep positive culture. They broke my water at 7:30ish, I had a good epidural and so we pretty much just laid back and waited out the 5 hours with a little of pain at the end when the contractions were coming very fast. Two pushes and she was out, that is always nice! Jon, Mackenzie, Justina, Nolan, Grandma, Grandpa, and Aunt Sileena all were at the Hospital to witness the birth.

The only problem that we had to deal with is the fact that she has Brada Cardi which simply means she has a low heart rate, so we did not get out of the hospital until Monday and she came home with a monitor just like Hailey, Levi and Logan. It is a bummer but she doesn't need to be on any stimulant to get it up so that is good. Mackenzie and Justina left for camp on Monday so they were not home when we came home , that was hard for me, emotionally. Logan is acting out, He loves the baby but is getting very offended at the slightest little thing. It is an emotional roller coaster for a lot of us. Pray that she will start nursing, you would think I would have the nursing thing down, but each baby has been different and she is very different with nursing, she does not want to work so hard to eat so I have been having to pump, all I can say is that I need prayer cuz I have tried every thing I know to try.

My Mom is here helping out and that is a BIG blessing, I am so thankful for her and all that she does, I am thankful for my Dad letting her stay, I know how hard it is for him to be up there with out his help mate! THANK YOU, DAD!!!!! and THANK YOU, MOM!!!!!

Mia is a good baby so far she really just sleeps and eats and very rarely cries, I know that all could change so I am enjoying it while it is here, but I can tell you one thing she is going to be one spoiled little girl!!!!
Sileena posted some pics on her blog so you can go see those if you would like just click here

Love to all of You, Look forward to hearing from some of you now and then!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said…
Pam, Jon, and Kids:
Congratulations on your bundle! She is beautiful. I do not know if you remember us, but we have been following your blog for quite a while now. We will continue to do so and pray for you guys! What a blessing your ministry has been to others.

Roy and Shari Funkhouser
Florence, Oregon
Mishel said…
Congratulations!!!! Mia is just beautiful!
Robin said…
She is gorgeous!! I am so glad things went well.

How long will she have to be on the monitor?

Congratulations. I really like her name, too.

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