The first thought for the day is: Never Buy Cheap diapers!! I spent the day with my little brother and my dear sweet sister-n-law not too long ago, and we had a discussion about diapers and well my brother seems to think that there are some "cheap" diapers out there that are just as good as the name brands. So I thought to myself, Years ago when Mackenzie was a baby I tried out all the "cheap" brand of diapers and came to the conclusion that Huggies were the only brand for me and since then I have stuck to that UNTIL I thought well maybe my little brother was right, for a change, .........just JOKING! And so I was at a grocery store needing some diapers.......... and Huggies were expensive , normally it is Wal Mart for our family but this day I had to go to a grocery store, so I looked at the "Cheap" diapers and noticed that WOW I could save $2.00 if I bought those. Well to put it simple, I have spent more than the $2.00 in Laundry soap cleaning the clothes and sheets not to mention my time with all the extra cleaning! My husband seemed to think it would pay us to throw those diapers away and go buy the huggies, I bought the huggies but couldn't throw them away so I am using them at times that I think are "safe" times :-)
Next thought: Little Kids are Lucky! Well this is what my older kids seem to think, AND I guess I would have to agree with them on that one. Levi came to me the other day and said "Mom, I like it when Noah cleans the room" I said well I am sure you do but you need to go help him. That is when it came to my mind, at his age my three oldest would have already been doing a daily chore, all he has to do is get dressed and make his bed but it seems so much harder for me to teach them at such a young age to do a daily chore, wow I am getting old AND soft! I did think it was pretty funny when Levi told me that it wasn't fair because he told Noah that he would take off Noah's shoes if he would clean the room, sounds like a pretty good deal to me, .........Noah didn't think so. The other side to this story IS the "room" that they have is very, very,very ( did I say very) small so you wouldn't think there would be ANY complaining!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Final thought: I know that today we all have in our memories the horrible tragedy that happened six years ago, but I also have a very blessed memory( not the kind of memory from being there but you know what I mean!) that happened on this day 4o years ago. My parents were married on this day and I am so thankful and proud to say Happy Anniversary to such loving, caring, and wonderful Parents. In the time that we live, I know it is a rare thing to have Parents that are still together and I Praise The Lord for Mine, I Love You Mom and Dad, Thanks for being shining examples of a good, godly, christian Marriage!!!!!
And in Honor of 9-11 Thank you to all the Military and Service workers that put their lives on the line every day for our safety and freedom!!!!!!!
And I couldn't agree more about the diaper thing... the same applies when you're talking cloth. The cheap just doesn't cut it!